By Steven Charles Ger

Dear Reader,

It is with sadness that the AMC must announce the discontinuation in The Shofar of Steven Ger's marvelous work, Acts: Witnesses to the World. Unfortunately, this must be done due to time constraints on the Shofar staff. Links to those sections of Acts that have been published in The Shofar may be found in our Library. It is also suggested that Steven's multifaceted website,, be visited, where autographed copies of Acts: Witnesses to the World may be purchased, as well as other of his works.

Steven Charles Ger, Th.M., is a fourth generation Jewish believer. In addition to Acts: Witnesses to the World, his body of work includes a biblical commentary on Hebrews and co-authorship of The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary. He is also a contributing author to The Gathering Storm and the Zondervan KJV Commentary: Old Testament. He is the former host of the weekly radio show, "The Jewish Heart of Christianity," and has appeared as a guest expert on both radio and television. Steven's main work is directing Sojourner Ministries, an organization dedicated to exploring the Jewish heart of Christianity.

Steven has led 11 tours to Israel and has done on-site research in the actual locations found in the Book of Acts.

Norman Manzon, editor

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