לֵ֣ב טָ֭הוֹר בְּרָא־ לִ֣י
Create in me
a clean heart O God.
~ Psalm 51:10 ~ |
is holy. He demands that His people be a holy people, a separated
In Lev. 10:9-10 it says:
Do not drink wine or strong drink, neither you
nor your sons with you, when you come into the tent of meeting, so that
you will not die--it is a perpetual statute throughout your
generations-- and so as to make a distinction between the holy and the
profane, and between the unclean and the clean.*
God’s people are to be set apart, a pure people. The Hebrew word for
pure is טָ֭הוֹר tahor. Job asked,
Can man be pure (טָ֭הוֹר) before His maker? Job 4:17.
Because of Yeshua, yes, man can be טָ֭הוֹר, pure, before God.
God set requirements before the Children of Israel. Do not touch a dead
body; do not eat strange meats and foods. Many things were common sense.
There was an order, an understanding between what was clean, what was
pure and what was impure. If you participated in clean living, your
lifestyle was considered pure. If you participated in unclean acts, your
lifestyle was considered unclean and you had to atone for your
disobedience. The penalty had to be paid. A sacrifice was made,
atonement was paid. Even though one may have been unclean, one could be
made clean.
In this 21st century, God still expects His people to be טָ֭הוֹר, pure
before Him. We are to be morally pure in thought, word and deed. Is this
so really hard to do? Is it so hard to turn the television channel? Is
it so hard to not visit certain websites? If Yeshua turned on my
computer and visited its history, would I cower in the corner for the
unclean websites that I had visited?
This Hebrew word טָ֭הוֹר is special as it denoted the purity of metals
but also the purity of God’s word, The words of
the LORD are pure words, טָ֭הוֹר words, Ps. 12:10 tells us.
Matthew 5:8 tells us that those pure in heart, לֵ֣ב טָ֭הוֹר, will see
God. God cannot look on the unclean. He cannot fill up unclean vessels;
He demands a clean vessel in order to do a pure work. Habakkuk 1:13
states that [God’s] eyes are too pure to
approve evil, And [He] cannot look on wickedness with favor.
There have been times in my early walk with the LORD that I was
powerless to overcome some bad habits, smoking cigarettes was one of my
vices. I prayed for over one year that God would take away this habit.
One night, the power of the LORD gave me the ability to put the tobacco
down and never pick it up again. All glory goes to God. That is the
greatest thing about our LORD. He knows that we are human and need His
divine help and power. One cannot recover one’s virginity but one can
recover one’s chastity, whether one is single or married.
Mention the words ‘heart surgeon’ and most people think of Dr. Michael
DeBakey, the renowned Houston surgeon. But I contend that Yeshua Jesus
is the Best Heart surgeon ever, because He tells us in Ezekiel 36:26
that [He] will give [us] a new heart and put a
new spirit within [us]; and He will remove the heart of stone from [our]
flesh and give [us] a heart of flesh. I want that kind of
heart surgeon working on me!
Yaacov, also known as James, said in James 3:17,
the wisdom from above is first pure, טָ֭הוֹר. I want the
pure heart, the לֵ֣ב טָ֭הוֹר. I want the pure heart so I can see God as
Matthew 5:8 says.
Finally, brethren, whatever is
true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure
טָ֭הוֹר, whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything
worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
~ Philippians 4:8 ~
* God addressed this command to priests under the Law - editor.